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  • Writer's pictureshanna k

Elk Island Sunrise

Updated: Apr 27, 2022

A 4 am wakeup call will earn you this peaceful sunrise in Elk Island National Park.

No matter how many gorgeous colours I see over mountaintops or across oceans, this spot is always my favourite place to take in a sunrise. The quiet tranquility is punctuated by the snorts of bison who roam the park and are particularly noticeable first thing in the morning before the roads get busy.

Once the sun is up and the park is bustling, the animals tend to stay further back from the busy areas. You’ll still catch the occasional bison snacking or snoozing at the side of the road or hear the percussive talents of a ruffed grouse if you walk the paths, but the early morning wakeup is absolutely worth it. As the saying goes, the early bird gets the worm… and the bison, and the deer, and the beavers... and the birds.

Remember to stay safe in the outdoors. Animals that may look friendly are still wild and unpredictable. Practice leave no trace and stay on the designated paths.


*I have no association with these resources. I found them interesting, and thought you might too.


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